Print-on-demand varer har længere leveringstid grundet sommerferie, og sendes derfor først afsted til dig i uge 31☀️

Contact us

We're happy to hear from you

Merch City

Sønderskovvej 8
8362 Hørning

Customer support: [email protected]
Business inquiries: [email protected] 

Phone: +45 53570670 

CVR/VAT No: 36966394


Questions about orders, delivery or products? 

Want to sell on Merch City?

Do you have a band, a Youtube channel, a podcast or any other creative outlet we can help you make a business out of it. 

Worldwide shipping

That's everywhere on the planet

Easy 14 days returns

14 days money back guarantee


Denmark: 1-2 days

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa

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Welcome to Merch City

We will very soon have a lot information about all the cool stuff we can help you with at Merch City. 

Stay tuned or get in touch at mail@merchcity,com