About Merch City

We help fans and artists reach each other

After looking at alternatives

We opened in 2015

When Martins band began to get noticed by bloggers and critics from all parts of the world, he suddenly found himself putting CD’s in envelopes and licking stamps on a daily basis. Soon it went from novelty to chore, so he and former colleague Thomas started searching for a service that could help upcoming bands with sales and logistics. When no apparent solution existed, they teamed up with Rasmus to create Merch City.

Merch City was founded as a response to changing cash flows in the music business but today we work with all kinds of artists and creatives.

Merchbod i Mølleparken
Say goodbye to the hassle of selling online

Designed for creatives

The pressure on creatives to monetize their art can sometimes become a showstopper for those, who would rather make videos, play music or paint, than make spreadsheets. We take care of online sales and logistics, essentially helping creatives run a business without having to think about it all the time.

Merch City is responsible for the daily operations and logistics. We pack and ship posters, t-shirts, albums, bottle openers, and / or whatever else our partners want to sell.

Simple and transparent

No hidden agendas

At Merch City, we believe that merchandise sales can make the difference in whether your art is a hobby or a budding business. Merch City is a community where we lift each other, and create a richer culture together.

Our prices are transparent and our business model simple: The vast majority of the proceeds go to those who create.


The Merch City Team


Thomas Wittenburg​

Managing Partner

Usually seen at the coffee machine when he's not mopping floors, packing and shipping orders, and most importantly helping our partners reach their full potential.

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Simon Grástein

Master of Production

Your go-to guy if you need an album pressed on vinyl. Or t-shirts for your tour. Or a bunch of stickers to cover your teachers car. Simon manages sourcing and production. ​


Martin Helbo

Head of Design

Visual design and UX is Martins game. He designed the first version of merchcity.com, and now he spends his time tweaking UX and making new designs for our partners.


René Larsen

Graphic Designer

As a trained designer, René has a keen eye for what looks good. On a shirt, mug, poster, you name it. This is the guy who ensures the quality of everything we send to the printing presses.

Great and flexible service from a company that understands what it means to be a band. Lovely and extremely helpful people at eye level. We can only recommend!
Merch City handles a large portion of my total business, so good coorporation between us is important to me. I am super happy with Thomas and Simon, both dedicated and always ready to play into my ideas!
Worldwide shipping

That's everywhere on the planet

Easy 14 days returns

14 days money back guarantee


Denmark: 1-2 days

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